Who has not heard about the Elf on the Shelf, what is the timeless classic of Elf on the Shelf? Well its all about an elf that is on display from Thanksgiving to Christmas and is on high alert to report back to Santa Claus on the activities of the boys or girls in a house. He reports to Santa who is naughty and who is nice. Families and kids, once they read the book, Elf on the Shelf, realize that they need to name their Elf. Because named Elves hold special magical powers. The Elf on the Shelf becomes a member of the family for a special period of time. Then the elf is found hiding in a new spot around the house every morning. The family has a game of hide and seek with the Elf on the Shelf.
Elf On The Shelf
Then there is the issue of the Elf on the Shelf as a mischievous trouble maker. After all aren’t all elves going to try and get into a bit of trouble? Anyone seen the movie….Elf? Where Buddy is just trying to find out where he belongs. Elf on the Shelf is a troublemaker who likes to wreak havoc in the middle of the night while people are sleeping. This is simiar to what pets do. You can’t touch Elf on the Shelf, or he loses his magic (which is also similar to a few of my wilder pets). Elf on the Shelf likes to rearrange things, often for no reason at all (which is what both my dogs and cat do). He also likes to hide things in strange places (perhaps half of a pair of shoes goes missing in another room?).
Pets do not judge me
The difference between Elf on the Shelf and my pets are that my pets are more fun to photograph and they don’t judge me. Well, most days they don’t judge me (unless I have not completely filled their food bowl or have missed feeding time by a few minutes). They also never limit their mischievous behavior to the middle of the night; although being curious by nature, they are more active at dusk and dawn.
So, I don’t see much point in participating in the Elf on the Shelf tradition, although it looks like fun. My reasons or non-involvement are vastly different from those of others. Quite frankly, I just don’t need another creature wreaking havoc in my home. Do you agree or disagree? My dogs would probably eat Elf on the Shelf anyway. Mischievous elves have a remarkably short lifespan in this house.