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Ways you are shortening the life of your dog

Ways you are shortening the life of your dog

And you don’t even know it. Here is a great link to the article on “11 Ways You’re Shortening Your Dog’s Life” and they are all good for you to know. Most are common sense, but some take some consistent discussion from pet professionals with their clients. As usual, trust your vet, make sure you Read more about Ways you are shortening the life of your dog[…]

He's Never Done that Before

He’s Never Done that Before

Its an all together too frequent response that dog owners have for dog service businesses. Either because they have no idea about the canine in their house, or they simply do not want to acknowledge that their dog, their animal, is capable of this type of behavior. This article, “He’s Never Done that Before”, comes Read more about He’s Never Done that Before[…]

Does your Dog Daycare place use a Dog Behaviorist?

Does your Dog Daycare Jacksonville FL use a Dog Behaviorist?

Dog Daycare is a growing and trending service for owners of dogs. Dogs were not bred to sit at home to be doormats or hang out with the cats at home. Its crazy to think that they just sit and sleep all day. Who wants a dog that sleeps all day? Many dog daycare facilities Read more about Does your Dog Daycare Jacksonville FL use a Dog Behaviorist?[…]


Dog Daycare Jacksonville FL inside

Check out our Dog Daycare Jacksonville FL inside facilities. Few feature dog daycare inside. Why?  Its hot outside and if you or I were to go play for 15 minutes outside, we’d get tired and hot too, in 100 degree feel-like weather. Add the rain to the mix and its a mess. So why do dog Read more about Dog Daycare Jacksonville FL inside[…]

Dog Bite Payouts Increasing

Dog Bite Payouts Increasing

Dog Bites Accounted For More Than 1/3 Of All Homeowners Liability Pay Outs Last Year As Cost Per Claim Soars. Dog bite payouts increasing (and other dog-related injuries) to over $530 million, according to the Insurance Information Institute (I.I.I.) and State Farm®, the largest writer of homeowners insurance in the United States. An analysis of homeowners Read more about Dog Bite Payouts Increasing[…]

Pet Sitter versus Dog Boarding

Pet Sitter Versus Dog Boarding

A lot has been written and said about Pet Sitters of late. In fact we have been reporting about them of late. Pet sitters have a place based on a need.  In this post we discuss the two options, Pet Sitter versus Dog Boarding. Some very anxious dogs are good candidates for more training and Read more about Pet Sitter Versus Dog Boarding[…]


Neglecting duties as a dog owner

I read an article by a guy named Matt Lehr. He talks about how humans experience new opportunities not with our planning but with our chance encounters. ““success in business increasingly depends on chance encounters.” It’s these chance encounters that seem spontaneous in the present but more purposeful with future’s hindsight. This is synchronicity repackaged.” However, you Read more about Neglecting duties as a dog owner[…]