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Neglecting duties as a dog owner

I read an article by a guy named Matt Lehr. He talks about how humans experience new opportunities not with our planning but with our chance encounters. ““success in business increasingly depends on chance encounters.” It’s these chance encounters that seem spontaneous in the present but more purposeful with future’s hindsight. This is synchronicity repackaged.” However, you Read more about Neglecting duties as a dog owner[…]

Dog at Home

Dogs are not allowed to be dogs

Human beings have domesticated many things in our evolution. With an explosion of pets in our homes, it was only a matter of time before we found other human beings writing about how we have domesticated the canines in our lives. Dogs are not allowed to be dogs. Breeds of dogs that were bred for Read more about Dogs are not allowed to be dogs[…]

Dog Training

Dog Training with Larry Fine

This past Tuesday, December 9, Happy Hound Dog Resorts had the pleasure of discussing Dog Training with Larry Fine and how we should work with dogs as it pertains to dog training. Larry helped to educate us with the basic idea that dogs do not understand English. Hence they do not have personality, rather he suggests that Read more about Dog Training with Larry Fine[…]