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Dog Grooming

5 things to NOT say to the Dog Groomer

You have to be careful with the groomers. They are a different breed of professional. We have had our issues keeping a good groomer. In four years, we have seen four different groomers. They are tough to keep. While there are good things to say after a dog has been groomed, there are many things NOT Read more about 5 things to NOT say to the Dog Groomer[…]

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Ebola hits the dog pages

You just had to know it was coming. The spread of Ebola in the news, the #Jacksonville #Jaguars mascot discussing Ebola on Steelers towels. The airports and airlines looking to screen people coming from West Africa and now this. A scary discussion of Ebola with dogs. Ebola hits the dog pages is our current topic. Besides Read more about Ebola hits the dog pages[…]