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December 7, 2017

11000-203 Beach Blvd Jacksonville FL 32246

11000 Beach Blvd Suite 203 Jacksonville FL 32246

New location with 6,000 square feet of pet care space. All the pricing will be the same, we will now have dog daycare for you and for many different levels of energy.  Same hours or operation, same concepts as at Shirley Avenue. The retail store will be open to offer the same Victor Dog food. While the concept is the same, you will notice a few changes at 11000-203 Beach Blvd Jacksonville FL 32246.

11000-203 Beach Blvd Jacksonville FL 32246

11000-15 Beach Blvd Jacksonville FL 32246

Fences for dog daycare

The picture does not do it justice, but you will see a banner there over our space soon. We are in the former “Oceans Game” space. With kennels for small and large dogs as well as VIP rooms, we think our clients will love the new space. We will also have an outside space in the back. Cameras will cover the entire floor.  There is a large gate at the front, to keep our “frequent flyers” that like to jump from playing in traffic.


We are in the process of adding a link to REGISTER on the main HHDR page, but for now please click on REGISTER to register your dog for the 11000-203 Beach Blvd Jacksonville FL 32246 Location. If you have been to Shirley already, you are probably in our system, so no need to re-register. If this will be your first time at HHDR, please REGISTER.

11000-15 Beach Blvd Jacksonville FL 32246

Larger fences in use at 11000-15 Beach Blvd Jacksonville FL 32246

Please NOTE, the database at Shirley and Beach are different. So packages will not be seen between the locations. We can move a package to the new location, but you cannot split the package on a daily basis. You are welcome to have a separate package in each location, but know we will not take days from one account and place in the other account.

Big Dogs and Small Dog Boarding

There is now a separate area for small dogs to go for daycare as well as for boarding. We wanted to keep them separated and we think this will help with the noise between large and small pets. Our landlord installed 50 tons of new air conditioning and also replaced the roof, so this will be a newer facility and one that we plan to model for future stores.

People love the dog daycare cameras. We are working to setup a link for the cameras on the website, but for now, please click here for the cameras (not live as of April 30 2018) We are looking forward to adding cameras in each and every kennel. There will be an upcharge of $5 per night to watch your dog in a kennel. Many have asked for this feature and we are going to deliver. We hope to have these available by mid Summer 2018.

Vet Services
11000-15 Beach Blvd Jacksonville FL 32246

Fence at the front

Remember your vet services! We will need updated vaccines for dogs, same as we maintain at Shirley Ave. If your dog(s) do not have updated vaccines, you may not see them playing with other dogs.  We will be adding an updated list of great vets in and around our 11000-203 Beach Blvd Jacksonville FL 32246 location shortly. We must have updated records to assure they are safe to play with others.

Outside Dog Park

Our plans are to grow and add an outdoor dog park in the far back of the land. This area features a pond and land that is outside. We can build fences and structures to allow dogs to play in the water, as well as run outside. We think this will be a great feature. We are excited to offer an outdoor dog park feature at 11000-203 Beach Blvd Jacksonville FL 32246.